[CH] Chile Pepper fishing and warning

Tony Flynn (tony@nzol.net.nz)
Fri, 28 Apr 2000 07:29:02 +1200

Dave Hendricks wrote:
> Just ran across this when searching for some salmon fly patterns.
> There is a fishing fly called the Chilli Pepper. There are several
> variations at the following url. Those of you who fish may be
> interested (I wonder if it works for carp?)

Hi All

I do not do much Trout fishing these days, but I will tie a couple of
these which will work for sure on our winter running Rainbows. 

A warning for people starting to make chilepowders. While grinding a lot
of Habs last week I got a nosefull and went into a sneezing fit that
would have done my old snuff taking uncle of many years ago proud.
As the old Suffolk gamekeeper once said(Hi Ron) "I sneezed so hard, I
bust me collar stud, braces and bootlaces.

Next day I noticed black things swimming around in my eye. As it was a
very long weekend. I finished up in the Hospital A&E who sent me to a
very expensive eye surgeon fearing I had a detached Retina.
He decided that it is slightly torn at the edge where it is getting
thinner due to old age(Hi Doug)
He thinks that it will settle down without surgery, but I have to visit
him next week for a while and have a heap of dollars available from my
insurance company in case.

So the hard lessons. It took me ages to admit that I needed vinyl gloves
to handle Habeneros now I guess it will be dust masks as well.

The things we do:-)

Tony Flynn

Grandad. Retired at the beach. Bay of Plenty New Zealand