[CH] ZA Chilehead Addys

Inagaddadavida (raelsixty4@earthlink.net)
Wed, 03 May 2000 10:53:46 -0600

Brothers and Sisters...

I have a request primarily directed to those Chileheads living in the South
Africa region.  Seems there's a chef who has (had) never heard of anchos or
chipotles.  All was explained to her, but hark! she desires such fresh
products and even would like to try her hand at growing some chiles.  Ah,
sounds like a Chilehead in the making, no??  Blessed be El Grande!  Who
knows, if you chileheads in the region are growing chiles in excess, there
may be a more lucrative side to this introduction.  Just my opinion, o'

Consequently, if those in the ZA (is that right?...ignorant i be..) region
would mind sending me a quick reply to this email, I'll forward them to her
so contact can be made.  If I receive no replys, well, then I'll probably
direct her to contact some of the chile/hotsauce producers I know of
stateside who ship overseas.  Dare I say youse guyz can send me email too?

The horror, the horror....

Peace, Hendrix, and Chiles.......

Rael"...doin' my good deed fer the day...and clearing out my inbox..."64