[CH] laytex & salsa & Ring 'o Fire & Hunan hand

Coyote (coyote@calweb.com)
Wed, 03 May 2000 21:45:11 -0700

"Parkhurst, Scott Contractor" wrote:

>    Yup, I've found latex products (not ribbed, near as I could tell),

Knuckel dragging mode ON.. so to speak

To digress a bit .. There was an intresting discussion by 2 DJs on a local
radio station (Sacramento, CA).
It appears that for a publicity stunt this year (the 2nd time they will be
doing this) for cinqo de mayo the will be doing a live remote broadcast of
thier morining show while sitting in a pool of salsa at a Chevy's resturant
in Roseville (near Sacto).
They made discussions of how last year pepper got into places it shouldn't
be .. because the plastic garbage bags they wore last year leaked.. and how
rubbers wouldn't work as the pool of salsa was quite cool....
I'm not sure if I want ever eat at Chevy's again due to the visual images
thier discussion gave me.. but I was also thinking..
They're lucky! no clue to the real deal as Chevy's normal salsa is fairly
mild.. now if somebody was to add some pure cap to the pool.. that would be
another story....
sorry just had to share the story with you all..

Howlin' for Habaneros