[CH] Drunken Chicken! hic!!

Douglas Irvine (dougandmarie@home.com)
Mon, 08 May 2000 19:29:56 -0700

I dont think that I have ever posted one of our favourite Mexican recipes
 that I have been doing for at least 30 years. I found this in an OLD
Mexican cookbook, that had been translated into English away back in
1950 and I have been using these old recipes as starting points ever
since. Here then is my vesion of Gallinas Borrachas, or Drunken chickens!
3	lbs of chicken pieces, legs, thighs, breast, cut up
1/4	cup shortening or lard
2	tomatoes, peeled and chopped
1	tbls fresh parsley, chopped
1	onion, chopped medium
1/3	lb ham, chopped ....I used a fresh ham slice, and chopped it
1	Chorizo, chopped up
1 1/2 cups of dry sherry
2	tbls sugar
1/3	tsp cloves
1/3	tsp cinnamon
1/4	tsp nutmeg
1/2	cup seedless raisins 
1/2	cup chopped almonds
2	serranos, seeded and chopped...I added 1 Thai Red dragon as well
Calvins to taste, or Jim's smoked hab powder

Fry the chicken pieces in the shortening or lard, until brown. Add the
ham, chorizo, crumbled, the dry sherry, tomatoes, onion, spices and the
raisins and almonds. Cover and simmer for at least 25 minutes, then
uncover and continue until it is thickened. Adjust seasonings, and add
more heat if necessary. After I tasted this batch, I added about a half
teaspoon of each of Calvin's chile powder and Jim Campbell's smoked hab
powder. This made it hot enough for the both of us. Marie said, remember
when we first made this? No heat at all! Enjoy...Cheers, Doug in BC