Re: [CH] Please help identify this chilli

Robyn and John (
Tue, 16 May 2000 00:03:47 +1000

Luke Speer wrote:
> We Chile-Heads need to get together and take Digital Photos of the
> fruit/flower and plant with both Metric and Imperial measurements..
> [A standard Engineers steel ruler would suffice]
> These should probably be uploaded/sent to Mike Bowers or Graeme
> Casseltons web site in the UK...
> I would like to see all Ch's get behind this, also If we get together
> and send the Pics it would be in our interest to send a small donation
> [say a US dollar] to pay for the hosting of the pics.. I get 5 meg free
> web space but would imagine that 3 images of a Thai type pepper or
> whatever would use up serious bandwidth and the ISP would have their
> hand out..
> anybody interested??? ..
> Contact me off list..
> Most of us should be able to get access to a Digital camera and put some
> pics a on floppy disk..

I have a flatbed scanner, I just haven't had access to a camera for
a while because my wife took both of them when she went to visit
Grandma. If anyone needs photos scanned, I will do them, but be
warned I am in Australia so the postage will be a bit. You can get
free web space (11 megabytes per email address) at
and and a few other places. CH'ers could upload photos to
their free web sites and send the URLs to Mike/Graeme to link in.
Most normal sized photos for web page use should come in at around
60K if you store them as JPEG, which is always the best format for
photos, and readable by all web browsers. A really big scan, screen
size, may be as much as 300K. Only a really serious CH would fill
up a free web site with photos...

Now, where has she put the camera?
