[CH] That sounds right...

Tue, 16 May 2000 13:55:51 GMT

At 08:35 AM 5/16/00 +1000, you wrote:
>So don't leave me in suspense...'burnt cat hair effect' has something to
>do with the fact that past a certain Scoville level, everything tastes
>like burnt cat hair...?

Actually it was part of a discussion of the extract based sauces several years 
ago.  It was noted that these sauces did have tremendous heat, that the flavor 
was not good.  Thats when some folks likened it to what they imagined burnt cat 
hair would taste like...

                    =Mark "Runs With Scissors" Stevens

                @ http://www.exit109.com/~mstevens @
                                  @ ICQ# 2059548 @

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                                                          Yeah?  What