Re: [CH]V6 #188 Growing chiles in the Alps - help needed.

T (
Thu, 18 May 2000 22:43:16 +0200

> recommend that he grows rocotos (C. pubescens) next year. They are
> from the high Andes and their fur coating will discourage the flies.
> It's a bit late to start them from seed this year, but I can send you
> some for next year or will bring some if I visit CH this summer.

Well, I live in CH and I still have about 30g of Rocoto seeds lying around,
if anyone wants some.  I've had excellent germination results, less than a
week, as have had those to whom I've sent seed.

Speaking of which, one of my (two) three year old Rocotos is full of lovely
purple flowers.  It'll be interesting to see if it sets fruit before the
others flower.  I'm pretty sure it did last year.
