Re: [CH]V6 #190 Rocotos and cayennes

Cameron Begg (
Wed, 24 May 2000 08:17:19 -0400

Hi C-H's,

Tom ( - any connection with the Mexican cellist 
Joe-Joe Ma?) wrote:

>  > Green rocotos are about as fun a green bell
>>  pepper-- no heat.
>Mine, when picked green, have been no less hot than their red or orange


>P.S. My three-year-old red seems to have set at least 6 fruit, after one
>week of flowering.  Daytime temps have been in the mid 70s (F, low 20s C).

Same here. Are your's hand or insect pollinated? Oh, and yes, I do 
prune mine into an acceptable shape and to remove some of the old 
growth in Spring.

>One packet caught my eye. It was Cayennepepper. The
>  > claimed it was one of the hottest peppers on earth!

>Actually, it is one of the hottest peppers on earth.  Not the hottest, but
>hotter than most.

Disagree. I have grown cayennes every year since the early '80's, 
both from bought plants and from all kinds of different seeds and 
would describe them as medium. I wonder if this is another case of 
personal perception? They are however one of my favorites (obviously) 
and freeze acceptably for use in Indian food during the Winter.

                      Regards,               Cameron.