Re: [CH] Thanks / Amazing comeback

Emile & Dewi (
Thu, 25 May 2000 13:28:56 +0200

>    I'd like to thank all the folks who replied after the hail storm
> with condolences and offers of replacement plants.  I appreciate
> the offers, but it looks like I won't be needing to start over after
> all.
>    When I went out to check this morning, every single chile that
> was caught in the hail had new growth!  Not just the ones that
> were "slightly maimed", but *every*  *single*  *one*!

Thanks to El Grande who is kind and merciful! Hope he's like that for my
plants, too. Some of my pots don't have holes in the bottom and due to heavy
rain in Holland, those pots have been flooding. I hope the roots don't rot.
I have now put them in covered areas and I hope for the best!

Miss Dewi