[CH] Yellowing leaves on Habaneros!

Klaus Schwienhorst (kschwien@tcd.ie)
Wed, 31 May 2000 16:22:50 +0100


I am new to this list ;-)
Just a question. I have been growing Super Habaneros (according to the 
packet, 250,000 scovilles) on my window sill for the past 6 months. I am 
really happy with quantity and quality of fruit, but the leaves are 
yellowing rapidly. Repotting about 3 Months ago has only worked for a 
1 month or so, and I also tried nettle broth, which usually works for my 

What fertilizer can I use? I live very near the sea, so can I use some form 
of seaweed?

Klaus Schwienhorst
Centre for Language and Communication Studies
Arts Building
Trinity College
Dublin 2
Phone: Ireland +1 6083525
FAX: Ireland +1 6772694
Email: kschwien@tcd.ie
MOO: Klaus at Diversity University (telnet://moo.du.org:8888)
Homepage: http://www.tcd.ie/CLCS/assistants/kschwien.html