[CH] Re: [TomatoFanatics] Terminator Gene

Dave Anderson (Chilehead@tough-love.com)
Wed, 31 May 2000 18:50:22 -0700

Byron, as usual you are full of crap and are unnecessarily scaring 
people. There are no tomato or pepper varieties available to 
gardeners which contain the "terminator gene". The terminator 
gene is and was an attempt by Monsanto and Delta something or 
other to prevent growers from saving seeds of cotton and soybean.

It has not been very well accepted:-)

The only genetic work rumoured about tomatoes and peppers is an 
attempt to allow them to thrive at lower temperatures. Supposedly 
a flounder gene is being tried. I don't know of any success or if this 
is even true.

Meanwhile, the peppers you listed are all open pollinated and as 
long as you grow them 3 miles apart, you should have no cross-
pollination problems.

Dave Anderson

> The F1 and F2 hybrids are not the same as the terminator gene. F1 and F2's
> are in essence cross polination.
> Terminator gene is a cross with a NON plant gene to make seeds sterile.
> Worse is that if an OP plant gets cross polinated then the odds are  OP also
> becomes sterile.