[CH] Ripe chiles

Calvin Donaghey (gdonaghey@bitstreet.com)
Sat, 03 Jun 2000 18:48:06 -0500

Hello, all.
Chile crop seems to be going OK this year.
I have picked my first ripe Bulgarian Carrot and hybrid Tepins, and am
still picking ripe Aji Amarillo pods from last year's plants.  Looks
like a record Tepin crop for me this year if we don't get hail, already
hundreds of green pods at full size.  I put everything in early this
year hoping to get a crop before the summer heat makes all my blooms
fall off.  (Yeah, right.  It was 109 degrees two weeks ago!)
We actually got rain the last 2 days!  My plants all think they died and
went to the tropics.
Good luck with your crops, Chileheads.