[CH] Who Dares Burnz

Andrew Healy (a.healy@surrey.ac.uk)
Sun, 04 Jun 2000 13:27:44 +0100

Myself and another CH put Jim's Backdraft sauce up against the Hotheads' 
"Who Dares Burnz" sauce.  Pieces of pizza were laid out and dosed with both 
varieties.  Unfortunately, my friend is blind and cannot see how much sauce 
he has added.  I was wearing a blindfold for a 'blind tasting' . We both 
reeled out of the kitchen, sweating like stevedores from his first prepared 
piece.  Backdraft definitely wins on heat, but, is trounced for overall 
taste by its opponent, I personally think.  However Hunan Hand is a 
definite problem with these two sauces.  ALWAYS were light gloves when 
going for a blind tasting- our screams afterwards were quite appalling- it 
hurt, but, it felt worse.  Both sauces are delicious, though.

Andrew Healy

<No problem is insoluble> - Yoda