[CH] Rocoto seeds?

Michael Sporrong (habanero@extra.netlink.se)
Tue, 13 Jun 2000 21:05:35 +0200


Is there anyone on the list who can donate some Rocoto seeds?

I send this request to the list, as it is very difficult to find seeds for
most chile peppers in Sweden. We don't exactly have the right climate for
growing chile pepper.

I have until now successfully been growing Habanero (yellow and red),
Jalapeno, Cascabel, Dutch Red and some Thai chile peppers I don't know the
name of.

For the best result I let them germinate indoors in September and keep the
plants indoors in a southern window until early June before moving them
outdoors. This way most of the chiles give a small harvest allready in
February/March. In June they are planted outdors along a wall facing south
(by this time the habaneros are allready 80 - 120 cm tall) and they start
to flower a second time. This way I get a rather big crop by
August/September if we have a warm summer.


Michael Sporrong
Klovet 165
S-446 96 Halanda

Phone:  +46 520 66 80 69
E-mail: mike@hotchili.st
URL:    http://www.hotchili.st
        The Virtual Hot Sauce Museum
ICQ#:   53691083 (Habaņero-addict)

"I may be old, but I refuse to grow up."