[CH] hot, hot , hot

Emile & Dewi (e.steenbrink@worldonline.nl)
Mon, 19 Jun 2000 13:28:02 +0200

Hi y'all!

It's hot here in Holland today! It is about 104F in the backyard where my
peppers are. The Cayenne has a 2cm long pepper hanging from a branch and my
Jalapeno has a pepper about 1cm long. I hope the hot weather will start my
Habanero up. it has stayed very small, but maybe this heat will make it
grow. Although my Black Namaqualand is still small I can see some flowers
growing. I was told that they would be a beautiful purple. I can hardly
wait. The serranos are getting pretty tall, but no flowers, yet. I just hope
they'll make it before summer ends.

After six weeks my bellpepper (sorry Green) finally sprouted. And my
pumpkins are also doing great. They are forming some fruit. I should have
some by Halloween.

That's all for now. I hope everybody is having nice weather today.

Miss Dewi