[CH] Blowing Rock NC

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
19 Jun 00 08:19:59 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Sandy Olson" to All <=-

 "O> Does anyone live near Blowing Rock, NC.  May be planning a trip there
 "O> later this summer and wanted to know about the town.  Chile-head
 "O> haunts?  I don't know what people eat in the Blue Ridge Mts. Barbeque?
 "O> SandyO
 "O> CH #1146 of the moderate persuasion..would probably fit right into NC

Hi Sandy,

I've never been there but I have a friend on another food list who lives
there. I forwarded your post to her in e-mail and I bet you hear from
her soon.


YK Jim