Re: [CH] Any UK Chileheads out there?

W.A. Sawford (
Sat, 15 Jul 2000 17:44:18 +0100 (BST)

On Fri, 14 Jul 2000, Simon Briggs wrote:

> Are there any British based Chile Growers on this list? 

Hi Simon,

Oh yes, we're here all right, we just tend to lurk a lot :-)  All my
chiles are tucked up in my greenhouse out of the rain. However I have some
serious problems with them and it looks like I could lose about 80 per
cent of them, which is pretty heart-breaking.  

If anyone could tell me what these symptoms mean I would be really
grateful:  the leaves start curling up at the edges, then the newest
growth at the top goes a light colour, and the damn things start dying!

It almost looks like they've been accidentally watered with weed killer,
except it is only my chile plants which have been affected (weep).
Everything else is ok. 

Anyway, enough whining!  It's a long time since I've been out of
lurk-mode...I sure hope you are right about that weather on Tuesday.  Some
sun would make us all feel better.

Hmm, time for a glass of wine I think, and take a look at that vindaloo
simmering away.  Yum.
