[CH] strage things in the garden

Akiva Kotler (akiva@barak-online.net)
Sat, 15 Jul 2000 23:11:37 +0300

Dear Chile Heads
    I have noticed something strange in my garden this year.  It seems that
the pollinating plant makes its presence known not only in the seeds of this
year's fruit and therefore the attributes of next year's plants, but also
the shape of this years fruit.  Five of my plants successfully
over-wintered.  One of them that gave only roundish fruit last year gave the
much more traditional Hab shape with all of its early fruit this year.  Two
of the plants that were near the afore-mentioned plant were in flower have
given fruit of the traditional Hab shape this year as well as last year.

  The last of the over-wintered plants to flower and fruit this year, gave
roundish fruit last year and is giving roundish fruit  this year. It is also
the nearest plant to the plant first mentioned.  Now that this pollen is
available, plant #1 is giving roundish shaped fruit again.

Warmest Regards

Akiva Kotler

Ashdod Israel