[CH] FWD: Question

Michael Bowers (mkbowers@wiley.gsm.ucdavis.edu)
Fri, 21 Jul 2000 16:41:04 -0700

Hi there,
We are a nursery in Stellenbosch and have been growing a variety of 
chilies for some years.  The problem we have is when we harvest and the 
chilies dry out, we battle at identification.  Is there a good book 
specialising in all types of chilies available?  Also as a matter of 
interest, how many varieties are there?

Is there a chili seed place that you may know of in South Africa where 
we could source various types of chilies.  There is a product here in SA 
called 'Stoneys Pepperdews' these are round, red chilies that are not 
that hot, there are four types of heat, mild, regular, hot and very hot 
and they are delicious.  Does anyone out there know what type of chili 
is being used?
Appreciate any information you can give on the above and thanks.
Anthony Smuts.  hherbs@mweb.co.za