[CH] trying no html

Leslie Mandic' (rnonrun@bellsouth.net)
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 19:59:22 -0400

Mike bounced this & understandably so... Hope this works... was wondering why
I got no response at all.(it had htmlsomehow attached) I don't guess the URL
will link now.. not sure how to fix that sorry.


I am pretty excited right now, although we are moving to a smaller apt. for a
year it will be one with a PATIO! Tiny, they all seem to be here in Louisville
Ky., but since I have none now....
and they are fairly lenient about flower/gardens one resident has all their
front section and around the corner incredibly landscaped.!  

I would like to plant tomatos & pepepers, one or two of each in containers. I
have learned here that many of you over-winter your peppers (and tomatoes?)
what if I started this year to have older healthy plants next year? 
Is it too late for 'maters & peppers? I can put my herbs out, do some fall
flowers etc.

I found this URL for EarthBoxes, selfcontained reservoir, fertilizer etc. They
are not cheap so I thought I would ask for you input before I spent any $$.
 maybe try one or two?
has anyone heard of this or the concept?
yeah or neigh?


Also am wondering about putting my little container herbs outside. they have
been in a west window and will be going out on an east patio. Do I need to
wean them like transplants?? they are not the healthiest buggars, have been
fighting fungus gnats since I bought them on mothers day. 

Moving in a week, 
I thot I was 5a but maybe i am 6a  expecting a cold winter at any rate