[CH] re: earthbox

william polak (valfarm@juno.com)
Thu, 27 Jul 2000 21:38:49 -0700

Hi- I'm a new visitor to the chile heads world. I've been reading the
messages for the past few days and am really enjoying the flow of
information. Now I can finally add something to the mix. I've been using
earthboxes for several years, both indoors and out. This year I have two
Sungold cherry tomato plants growing in one earthbox on the deck behind
my house. They are doing beautifully! The only thing I have to remember
is to keep filling the lower reservoir with water. In the hot sun those
plants really use up water fast. So far, no bugs, no blight and lots of
tomatoes (still green).  My husband and I grow chiles which we make into
various hot pepper jams to sell at a local farmers market and some
festivals here in NY. We love trying different chiles and I'm learning a
lot from what I have been reading here.  