[CH] peppers in the window

Nels Peterson (npkp4jp@polarcomm.com)
Fri, 11 Aug 2000 19:43:34 -0500

I have a wild Pacific Ocean Pepper plant that I have grown from seed I
received from a cousin in Saipan. Two years and no fruit.    This spring a
twig broke off the plant, I put in a jar of water to try to root the
cutting.  This summer the twig has blossomed, and set fruit -- but no roots!
I have three one-eighth inch peppers on the twig and two more blossoms.  It
has developed callus tissue at the last node in the water, but as of yet no

Jalapenos are bearing and serranos are blooming in the field.  Sold our
first jals last week.

Nels in ND