Re: [CH] Administrivia:PLEASE excuse double posting this
Wed, 16 Aug 2000 22:23:17 EDT

In a message dated 08/16/00 1:23:24 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< To  remove  yourself  from  the mailing list, send the following command to
         UNSUBSCRIBE Chile-Heads
Please make a note of this for all the poor, caterwauling unfortunates who 
want to quit the list after they get bored with a list that "only" talks 
about growing, harvesting, powdering, saucing, cooking with, and eating 
Chiles.  One boob even suggested that those of us who grow Chiles ought to 
find another list.  Those who cook with Chiles ought to go to a recipe list, 
those who make their own powders ought to take a powder.  To some, a 
Chile-Head must be like a Cone-Head.  Dunces all.  These tubes never know how 
to exit the list.  Save the above so that 30-300 notices of how to 
UNSUBSCRIBE can be replied to their listed unsubscribe requests.
 Suggestions for posting to the list:
         Quote only the relevant portion of the message to which you are 
Please do take care to do this carefully, everyone on the list will 
appreciate it.
         "Please do not send virus warnings, multilevel marketing schemes, 
         chain letters, articles about proposed internet taxes or laws, or
         anything that was sent to you with the request to 'send this to
         everyone you know'."  
These are off topic and generally only start flame wars.  (Gawd, I miss the 
'flame wars.')  Note the recent messes caused by KALI.  (I have violated list 
rules too, mostly out of ignorance, but virus warnings are specifically 
outlawed for us, by our own rules.)  On the other hand, if you know of a 
virus that intercepts virus warnings, please infect us all.

This is not an effort to "suck up to Mike."  This is an effort to say more 
loudly than that gentleman would say, "if you've joined the list; you've 
accepted the rules."  If you don't have a good virus protection program, then 
get one.  If you do have one, then let's talk Chiles.
Gareth the ChileKnight