Re: [CH] surplus serranos

David Hanks (
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 21:45:25 +0700


	It's pretty exotic for a misplaced Texican also.  Would be happy to
trade you some tamarind for pecan but I'm not sure what the federal
aggies would say about that, illegal aliens and all...

	Ed Slavish was telling me that monkey pod, or rain tree, is also good,
but those aren't the type of trees that folks normally prune.

	I'll let you know how it goes.


> Wow!  Tamarind!   That is pretty exotic for a Midwesterner living near the
> "hickory belt" of the Ozarks.  I am told there is pecan around, but, though
> I have seen the trees, I have been unable to get any fit for smokewood.
> Tamarind, huh?  Lucky you.  Try it and see what happens.
> Good luck,
> George

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