RE: [CH] Chile-white Hab????

Parkhurst, Scott Contractor (
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 19:57:00 -0000

> << Well, the first of three "white" habs has pods starting to ripen
> to a nice bright yellow.  Looks like that will be the final color for
> that plant.   >>
> Scott!  WAIT!!!...  We picked them at each stage of coloring and 
> were very surprised as to the lack of heat when white, and 
> delighted as the color changed and so did the heat.

   The reason I put "white" in quotes is because they never, ever,
not-even-for-a-moment were white.  Not pale green, not ivory, not
cream colored or even a shade I could rationalize as being white.
Just regular green to bright yellow, no signs of other shades yet.
   I wouldn't get frustrated if these were seeds I had saved.  And
I don't mind the occaisional surprise, but I would prefer that I get
what I pay for more often than is the recent case.

Scott... going with the multi-colored flow... KCK