byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Thu, 17 Aug 2000 17:37:33 -0400

>I'm rather fond of his Lordship - and think you guys >should give BB a
>break.  But he's not right about this one (sorry, Byron).  >Using tobacco
>products in the garden is not a good idea...



Did you assume the TMV came from having a butt while planting or did you
have it tested by VA Tech?

TMV can be seed borne, Did you do chlorine treatment before planting?

Can be in crop debris, then insect vectored. Any pile of debris around? Esp
since you are in tobacco country.
Any neighbors growing tobacco with this disease?

Can be in other host plants like Datura, horsenettle + 148 others. and then
insect vectored. Did you check for infected weeds?

Being vectored by smokers was published in 1896 (over 100 years ago) when
80% of the worlds crop was infected and smokers rolled their own.

I know some folks that have farms with 3 generations of smokers that never
saw TMV.

Smoking here and handling plants for over 50 years never had TMV.

Too many variables to blame on just 1 butt.

TMV is in the same catagory as botulism as far as numbers.  BUT can be
controled with dishsoap. 1 tbsp per gal of water, applied  weekly. Ergo TMV
is a micro problem disease.

Lord Byron

1998 stats TMV in cig tobacco 0.137%, world crop.