[CH] Rick Bayless Restaurants

Mike Benson (mbens@execpc.com)
Fri, 18 Aug 2000 10:41:55 -0500

Since I'm planning to go to the Chicago area this weekend, I was thinking of
stopping by one of the Rick Bayless restaurants, Frontera Grill or Topolobampo.
There are links to both on his website:


Anyway, I was wondering if any of the ChileHeads out there have been there and
could give me a recommendation.  I think I'll try Frontera Grill, since
(according to the web site) Topolobampo seems a little to uppity for my
preferences.  I guess I'm wondering what to expect and what's good on the menu.
I realize this is short notice, but I'd still like to hear from you even if
it's after the fact.

Mike Benson