Re: [CH] Spuds and Sausage

Doug Irvine (
Wed, 23 Aug 2000 21:34:07 -0700

Dunt get me started!!!!! At the very least, I would not use the FATTY
sausage, but would use poached chicken breasts, and I have already looked at
doing this with my own twist(sorry Mike)! But I agree with the thick gravy,
except I do not use cream, but skim milk,and as little margarine as I can,
and still get the same result.....yep, tis possible! I did one the other
night, when I had a big bowl of left over potatoes, and I made an onion &
mushroom gravy, 1 tbls olive oil, one vidalia, 6 ozs mushrooms, simmer all in
the oil, use 1 to 2 tbls flour, mix in 1 Large cup chicken stock, thro in a
little gravy browning for color, and then the potatoes....let cook for 20
minutes, add Calvins to taste, or Jim's smoked hab if you rather, and serve!
Wow!! My better half, who is also my severest critic, said, when do we have
that again? I served it with a pork, ham & veal loaf which I had in the
freezer, made four months ago....a recipe is limited only by the ingenuity of
the person who is doing it, and who does not wish to stay with the original.
Cheers, Doug in BC wrote:

> In a message dated 08/23/00 10:43:27 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Thank you for your kind words.
>  Mike >>
> Lemme tell ya, good recipes ain't easy.  Kielbasa is an OK sausage, but it
> ain't Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, or even a German Brat or other.
> If you don't win something using Kielbasa, you and I are gonna talk.
> The roux is your own idea, and a helluva one at that.  It's tough to be
> original with sausage and potaters even if you're not Irish on your mother
> and father's sides.
> Wait till the Canadian Oriental gets a hold of this, chrissakes we'll be
> putting coconut milk into this recipe (right, Doogie?).
> Gareth the ChileKnight