[CH] japanese beetles

Thu, 24 Aug 2000 09:07:48 EDT

"She loves you, yaaaaa, yaaaaa, yaaaaaa . . . ."
Apparently, the state of maine (deliberately in non caps) has released 
millions of these bastards to combat some sort of pond grass problem.  
Well, they have begun invading eastern New Hampshire.
FORTUNATELY, they haven't been attacking the 'hot' peppers, yet.
They have been snagged eating zinnias, pole beans, basil, geraniums, sweet 
peppers, wild raspberries, etc.
I have a glass jar with a few dozen in it.
I have heard that the 'trap' thing is a not so good idea as it attracts them 
from up to a mile away.  I will continue the morning 'scoop up and jar em' 
routine until someone can suggest a different/better method?  What about 
setting a trap in an open lot 50 feet from my garden?
Them bastards better not touch my hot peppers!

Steve in NH