[CH] I: Datil's performance in southern Italy

Michele Mastandrea (diavolillo@katamail.com)
Wed, 30 Aug 2000 13:52:17 +0200

>Hi you all Chile-Heads from Apulia, Italy.
>Let me give to you a short note about my first experience in Datil chile
>pepper growing, here in arid and very much sunny conditions of "sitibonda
>Apulia" , as the latin poet Horace denominated the province of Italy where
>live,  Apulia.
>"Sitibonda" means, in latin language, thirsty; and the main reason is the
>complete lack of river and the shortage of rain.
>Regarding Datil chile pepper, they seem to be adaptabler than others
>relatives Chinenses, so they fit better arid conditions of mediterranean
>It is very important too that they are quite early and much productive.
>Why I read, from many internet sources, that Datil don't grow well, outside
>of Florida?
>Thank you.
>Michele Mastandrea
>a young man from southern Italy.