[CH] Fw: RE: Ole! Indian Chili Is Hotter Than Mexico's

roger w liby (bigroger@juno.com)
Tue, 5 Sep 2000 00:55:05 -0400

--------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Reimer Seeds <reimerseeds@mail.com>
To: roger w liby <bigroger@juno.com>
Date: Mon, 4 Sep 2000 20:16:16 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: RE: Ole! Indian Chili Is Hotter Than Mexico's
Message-ID: <382608197.968112976580.JavaMail.root@web431-mc.mail.com>

Yes, I'll check my seed sources and see if I can get the Tezpur.

I'll let you know if I am able to locate any seeds.

Thanks for the info.

Donald Reimer
Reimer Seeds

------Original Message------
From: roger w liby <bigroger@juno.com>
To: reimerseeds@mail.com
Sent: September 4, 2000 10:34:41 PM GMT
Subject: Ole! Indian Chili Is Hotter Than Mexico's

I gotta get these seeds
Are you going to try to get them?

Ole! Indian Chili Is Hotter Than Mexico's

                                   Updated 8:23 AM ET September 4, 2000

  GUWAHATI, India (Reuters) - The hottest chili on earth is

  Four Indian scientists have discovered that a type of chili grown
  in the country's northeast has the highest Scoville units of pure
  capsaicin -- a measure of hotness.

  Called the Tezpur chili, after the area where it is grown,
  scientists say the pepper has beaten Mexico's Red Savina
  Habanero, widely acclaimed as the hottest chili in the world.

  Tezpur lies on the banks of the river Brahmaputra about 112
  miles from Guwahati, the main city of Assam, which is better
  known for its flavorsome tea than its chilis.

  "The Tezpur chili was rated having 855,000 Scoville units... the
  Mexican chili contained 557,000 Scoville units of pure capsaicin,"
  one of the scientists, who asked not to be identified, told

  The scientists work in defense laboratories in Guwahati and

  The Scoville scale is named after German scientist Wilbur
  Scoville, the first to measure the heat component in chili.

  India is the world's top producer of chilis, exporting an
  estimated 35 tons a year.

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