RE: [CH] Legionnaires' Disease Associated With Potting Soil

Parkhurst, Scott Contractor (
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 14:10:09 -0000

> There have been a couple of cases of Legionnaire's Disease
> associated with breathing potting soil in Australia in the last
> few years, and two cases of Legionalla infecting people who
> have been in buildings with the bacteria in the cooling tower.

Legionnaire's disease was found/named when a convention of,
you gussed it American Legion members, at a hotel in Phila-
delphia had 26 or so members die, mysteriously at the time.
Flu-like symptoms that just got worse.  The source of the
infection was traced to the air-conditioning system.  It caused
quite a stir, which is to be expected when people start dropping
like flies for no ascertainable reason.  Word has it that the
convention menu was devoid of chiles, but that was found not
to be a cause of death, just bland food.

Scott... never tried to breath potting soil, I prefer air... KCK