Re: [CH] escargot
Wed, 6 Sep 2000 14:37:47 EDT

<< does anyone here actually *eat* escargot? >>
Of course!  The fresh ones are better than the canned ones, and frozen are 
better than canned.  Lotsa chopped fresh garlic, butter w/a drop or two 
Pernod.  Broil them until bubbly!  Fresh warm banquette dipped in the 
remaining butter in between bites of escargot is heaven.  I add a little dash 
of white pepper as well.  You don't want to kill the lovely flavor.....same 
as with lobster.  If you want to use fresh snails (live) you let them cleanse 
in a box of cornmeal for a few days prior to picking.  There are escargots 
farms here in California.
