Re: [CH] Open Fields and Jam

danceswithcarp (
Sun, 01 Oct 2000 16:03:08 -0500

At 02:24 PM 9/30/00 -0400, bill jernigan wrote:
>On Sat, 30 Sep 2000 08:15:51 -0600 Michelle DeWitt
><> writes:
> >
> > One item that was excellent was "Vince from Ohio"'s blackberry habanero
>blackberry hab jam? did i miss that?...
> > including the sweet potato habanero mixture.
>which i thought i heard carp say he was going to share the recipe
>for...good stuff!...

Oops.  I've got to remember I've got a "save draft" file that I use when I 
get called to dinner. :-)   I thought I had posted this.

The sweet potato butter is called "Baby's Breath" and was invented by 
Daughter Erin and I.

That last batch I made for the fields was 15 half-pints and 2 pints.

7 lbs. Sweet potatoes
2 large onions
1 cup Blackstrap Molasses
1.5 lb. Brown Sugar  (play with this; you sweetness desire may be less, or 
2 tblesp allspice
1 tsp cloves
1 tsp caraway seed
1tsp salt
Shredded habeneros to your taste.  I used 15 finely shredded Red Savinas in 
this batch.  If you're using it on JC's Savina Bread you might want to back 
off a bit ;-)

*Peel* the sweet potatoes--the hide is tough as leather after 
boiling--slice into medium chunks and boil until very soft.
Boil the onions until they start to get clear but the onion still is firm, 
then cut into small chunks
Grind the spices all together--careful about adding any extra cloves; 
overwhelms very easy.
Mix everything together in a big mixing container and stir it all up
Shovel mix into blender, food processor, or use eggbeaters and whip until 
the mix is creamy.  If you think the mix is too thick ,add back in a bit of 
the potato water that was drained off--be careful adding the water back in, 
you'll get runny stuff.
When you get the right consistency spoon into jars--leaving a ahlf-inch 
head space--and pressure can at 15 for 20 minutes.

The sugar level is high enough it keeps for a while in the refrigerator 
after opening, but usually I use those half-pint jars so it de-appears 
before storage is necessary.   A half-pint is good for about one loaf of 
French Bread.

Have at it.


ps:  Sorry about being late with this.  But I wasn't late for dinner.