[CH] Open Letter to JC

byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Mon, 9 Oct 2000 21:46:38 -0400


Sort of surprised, but not really,  as Sir Garath said I am a Granite Rock
head when it come to help.

On the Bus side,  A farm bus plan,  do they  the 4 F's,
Fire, flood, F'n cold and the F'n wind,  Nope don't think so.

On the human side,  If they knew you were in trouble,  How many might a
picked a couple extra Bushel and "Opps left them behind"

As a fireman,  I am sure that you have seen the times that a volunteer or 2
or 3 or a hundred has made the difference in a mans recovery from something
that fate has brought him beyond any of his controls.

  As a nail pounder,  I have helped 15 different folks that have been burned
out, the stench of burnt timbers  or burnt animials is one thing.  The
hardest part of the whole job,  is they the guy that installs the new
locksets,  and hands the guy the keys. Only had to do that job 2 times.
Toughest job I have ever done.  Locally we now draw staws for that job.

Yup there are folks out there that if they had known  would have pitched in.
Volunteers are not for the norm.
Just when you are in deep sh-t and need an extra pair of hands.

If I had been there and known,  you bet  could have found the time to pick
an extra few bushell,  Blew a clutch the night before and couldn't make it.

Lord Byron