[CH] Snuffin' the flames

George A. Starkey (gas@kdac.com)
Wed, 11 Oct 2000 10:53:04 -0500

  I recently discovered (in a fit of "O my god, I'm gonna die" mouth afire) that apple worked really good for putting out hab heat.   I'm beginning to think that anything that has simple sugars in it is effective- carrots, apples, breads-- Miller Lite, however, is no better than tap water.  I will have to try the IPA route.  If it is hops that does it, then I may keep a stash of it handy.  Once again, my home brewing gets a boost of legitimacy.

  For halloween, I make a batch of salsa with pumpkin in it, and aside from being an A+ source of vitamin A & C, I remember having a time getting it hot enough. Hmmm. Pumpkin may have a neutralizing effect as well.  Next time I have a pumpkin pie, I'll try it.
Bite of hab, slice of pie..  MMmm....pie....


ps: a friend has a problem with the cleaning staff at work eating any food at the desks- I told him to make a batch of habanero chocolate chip cookies. Would that be considered boobytrapping?  If I know Jeff, he'd actually eat the things anyway.