[CH] Re: Thanks For the Warm Welcome!

Tonia Anderson (toniaa@dconn.com)
Mon, 3 Jan 2000 10:02:22 -0800

Hello Everyone,

Thanks so much to such to everyone for such a warm welcoming to my intro.  I
moved to the country 2 years ago on 21/2 acres.  I have been gardening
since.  My favorite thing to grow is peppers. I love to grow, eat and
everything about them, so I know I have found my list group. My main problem
so far to growing them is the rabbits who love them. They mowed down most of
my peppers except the ones i planted in containers.

So i have learned this year to grow them in containers with a circle of
chicken wire around it to protect them.
Also i am on another list that does round robins that exchange herbs and
seeds from all over the globe which is wonderful to participate in.  I
planted some yellow banana peppers and cayenne from home grown seeds which
turned out beautiful this year the best.  I let them go to full ripe stage.
I have relized that seeds and not the store bought kind are the way to go. I
have had problems with the hornworm which i found on my tomato and pepper
plants.  Those buggers are hard to spot since they blend in so well.  Does
anyone know a remedy for them.  I make my own chili pepper blends have for
years now.  I use my dehydrator and will never go back to store bought
anything.  I grow my own herbs and freeze them for the winter.  And during
the winter i buy chiles and dry them and grind in my little coffee grinder.
I look forward for the recipes and knowledge on smoking peppers which i have
not done yet.  So, if anyone can tell me a simple way to smoke peppers
without having a smoker of any kind yet it would sure be appreciated.

Thanks again to everyone.

Tonia in S. Calif.