[CH] daylight lights

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
31 Oct 00 06:45:22 -0800

 -=> Quoting "Emile & Dewi" to All <=-

 "&D> Hi Podheads,

 "&D> I noticed the messages about the daylight lamps. I am considering
 "&D> buying one to over-winter my plants. I will be putting them in the
 "&D> attic where it's warm. The question now is how long should a light/lamp
 "&D> like that stay on? And will the pods ripen under that light? Thanks for
 "&D> helping out! 

A belated reply. I've just returned home from a bit of a vacation.

I have had good luck using the lights for about 8 hours a day during the
winter months when the plants are almost dormant and then increasing the
light to 12 hours (and fertilizing the plants) to mimic spring and
induce fresh blossoms in late Feb.

But I wasn't trying to ripen green chilies when they went under the
lights, just keep the plants alive. So you might need more light until
you harvest your last batch.

 "&D> Miss Dewi in cold Holland (no frost YET)

Yellowknife saw its first frost Sept. 1 and it's first snowfall Oct. 1st
(25 cm!) Luckily my chilies were safely indoors by Aug. 20th. I don't
feel bad about my weather though; while travelling, I was in Iqaluit on
Baffin Island and it was -19 with a wind chill that made it feel like
-29. BRRR!!!

YK Jim