Re: [CH] not at all about fried turkey, really

Dave Drum (
Sat, 04 Nov 2000 22:55:12 -0600

tucker wrote:

> This would be the Biker Billy-as-Santa on the cover issue. "Aunt Git's
> Pepper-Stuffed Turkey...first ingredient: "2 sticks butter". Now I know they
> are large birds, but that's still enough to make my wife cancel my
> subscription...good thing she doesn't read it. Anyway, this issue sees what is
> apparently a third letter printed from our very own Dave Hendricks. In this
> letter, he even makes mention of our wonderful mailing list. Kudos to him for
> representin', as they say.

That's the one... and a 10 pound turkey isn't really a big one. My
sister has a couple in her freezer that go 22 lbs plus. If SWMBO is
afraid of a little butter tell her not to get a Swift's Butterball (or
any other self-baster) when she buys the stuff for Turkeyday Weekend.

I went out this evening to buy some soda (4/12 pks for $10 w/addl $10
purchase) and cruised the meat cases. Turkey hasn't started to drop yet
for the holiday. An 11 lb bird was U$21.90 (U$1.99/lb). In the last week
before Football Thursday prices should drop to U$.69/lb for fresh tom

We're gonna find out if my sister's brood are chile-heads. No worries
about Sis, she does Thai without tears. She has at least one son-in-law
who I suspect is a pepper wuss. We'll see. Aunt Git's Turkey ought to be
a decent smoke detector.
Home of Yaaaaa Hooooo Aaahhh!!! HOT SAUCE and Hardin Cider