[CH] Thanksgiving

Doug Irvine (dougandmarie@home.com)
Thu, 23 Nov 2000 19:56:42 -0800

A day for giving thanks to whichever deity you are familiar with, or
believe in, for all of the great things that have been bestowed upon you
all in the past year.... be thankful that your country is at peace, be
thankful that you have a job, or sufficient income to sustain your
lifestyle, grow chiles and enjoy your family....be thankful that all of
the things that you see around you, are, here in America, for we are in
America as well, for all of us to enjoy. We have had our thanksgiving
away back in October(we get it first, cause our weather gets worse,
first!) and we did enjoy our Thanksgiving as much as all my Merkin
friends are enjoying theirs today.  If you are visiting away from home.
drive safely going back, the other guy may have imbibed more than he or
she should have(obviously NOT a chile head) and we, here in BC wish you
all, wherever you may be, health, happiness, and prosperity in the
coming year, so that next Thanksgiving day may be even better.And dont
sweat your election.....at the end of the day, you WILL have a
President, even though he may not want it after a few months.....:-)
Cheers to you all, Doug in BC