RE: [CH] Re: Scotch Bonnets via Hydroponics

Gillian A. Parsons. (
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 22:42:12 -0000

>could hydroponically grown chiles have high heat levels?

hydro grown chiles would be milder unless artificially
stressed.  Hydroponic tomatoes, seems to me, have less flavor then their
outdoor cousins.  Sunlight, wind, rain, snow, hail, these stress.

Hi Riley,

Hydroponically grown tomatoes have less taste due to the large quantities of water taken up by the plants. Tomatoes grown in soil and well-watered, i.e. grown 'soft', will taste less flavoursome than those grown 'hard' with restricted water. Chilli peppers grown 'hard' have more heat than those grown 'soft'; therefore hydroponics is 'soft' growing for plants........

Regards, Gill
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