[CH] Aphids

byron bromley (byron.bromley@gsd-co.com)
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 21:02:50 -0500

Probably make your own with mineral oil and 409.  But the 409 worries me.
Might be worth a try with a true soap.  With me LB?  Mix 5 tbsp mineral oil,
a few drops of soap (1/5 tsp), shake well, add to one gallon water.  409
might work better but is much stronger.

I am not really a chemist,  but I would have a gut feel to not use 409.
Maybe some of the old Ivory or Octagon.

Even better would be some castille soap or baby shampoo.

If you are neglecting those aphids,  Just remember each one produces 200
more every 2 weeks.

Or if 1 aphid, if it and it's family are left alone, will produce,  I
believe the numbers were 1.526 x 10 to the 27 power in 4 months.

Sun Spray,  I never tried it,  It is very hard to find around here.  One
dealer get about 3 bottles per year and thats it.