[CH] Re: destroying aphids

Derek Wagner (datilderek@excite.com)
Wed, 6 Dec 2000 09:37:25 -0800 (PST)

>now I have aphids on it.  What can I do to kill the little buggers >that
won't involve chemical pesticides? 

Try this, It works great on my delicate chile seedlings to kill whiteflies,
as well as roses to kill japanese beetles. I use it often and have not had
an insect problem since I started.

Soak one pouch of tobacco in warm water overnight. Strain well, the add
tobacco to a large pot with a cup of fresh (or 1/2 cup dry) hot peppers, and
1/2 cup dill seeds. Boil for 15 minutes or so. Cool completely, strain well
and add 1 Tablespoon of dish soap. (do not use anything fancy or anti
bacterial- use soap, not detergent).
Add water to bring the volume to a total of three gallons, or leave in
concentrated form and add water as needed.

God Bless, 

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