[CH] Recipe: grape-pear salad for chileheads

Tue, 12 Dec 2000 14:06:38 -0500

Here's an easy grape-pear salad of fully adjustable warmth that's
addictive as all hell.  Sorry, I never measure stuff like this--judge
by eye and taste as you go,

          Equal am't sour cream and un-packed brown sugar  
          Cayenne, Thai or habanero powder to taste 
          Seedless grapes, white or red 
          Diced fresh pears, not too soft  
                (slightly underripe Anjous are fabulous!)          
          Pecans, cashews or hazelnuts
          OPTIONAL: one pinch (no more!) of curry powder  
                    per cup of dressing

Dissolve sugar in a little sour cream over heat,   Mix that and  powdered
chile (and curry if using) with the rest of the sour cream.  Dress
remaining ingredients with  this mixture.  Refrigerate any leftover
dressing to dip orange or apple slices into, or carrot sticks.  Or in the
case of the uncurried version, chocolate cookies.  Or an intimate
friend's toes.
  Source: Loosely based on a recipe from my friend Lavanda's
          Aunt Hattie
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