Re: [CH] OT parsley

Graham (
Sun, 31 Dec 2000 19:47:58 GMT

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Hi there, peter g,

On 31 December 2000, I received the following message from you regarding
"OT parsley"

pg> hi folks,
pg>  this posting is only marginally on topic, but since parsley finds its
pg> way into many "chilefied" dishes ... well i thought i'd ask ...
pg>    what's the best way to store freshly cut parsley ?
pg> no matter where i buy it, or what method of storage i try
pg> the stuff is as limp as a noodle within 48 hours.
pg> there's gotta be a way to keep parsley fresh longer than that.
pg> any advice?
pg>    Happy New Year folks!
pg> peter g

The general answer is as follows:

1.	Grow your own in a pot and only use as you need it.

2.	If you must store fresh herbs and keep them fresh, there are
	three ways:

	a)store the cut herbs in a glass of cold water.
	b)put damp tissue round the stems and store at the bottom of a
	c)make up a sauce using the herb and freeze it in ice cube
	    trays, then use each cube to the strength you require.

3.	In addition, you could hang up the parsley to dry and then use
	it dried.  Dried herbs concentrate the flavour so use at half
	quantity and add more.

Here in the UK there are a number of books on Preserving and if you
want to know more about this, please write to me directly and I'll
send what information I have.

Graham                  reply to:

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