Re: [CH] Chile-Heads Digest V7 #286

fragrantgarden (
Sat, 30 Dec 2000 13:35:27 +1100

Date: Tue, 26 Dec 2000 21:18:46 -0500
From: "byron bromley" <>
Subject: [CH] seeds to Oz Sunflower seeds

Thought you folks might get a chuckle out of this.

A guy sent some seeds to Oz,  using the required "Green Tag"  on the tag
there is a space to be filled out "Genus"  and "Species"  he put down "Dunno
Mate"  and it made it thru.

Another person tried to bring in some Sunflower seeds in an unopened pkg.

Told to leave them there or it was a $10,000 fine.  OOOpps

Lord Byron
Customs in Oz are Feral. They don't like seeds in any way related to
commercial crops.
I had the drug squad vist me when I impoted Peony Poppies (related to opium
poppies -By the way Tasmania produces much of the world's crop. The sides
of the road are  adrift of seedlings)
Our customs people have alot to learn about botany. At the moment a new
disease or bug comes into this Island _country everty 8 weeks.
Mad King Michael The Wise in OZ

Michael Bailes, The Fragrant Garden, Portsmouth Road, Erina. N.S.W. 2250
Australia. (OZ); International fax 61 243 651979          Phone02 4367 7322
Web page at:
 Email: <>
"Everyone over 40 is responsible for their own face."