[CH] "Hot" News!

Sandy Olson (sandyo@willowtree.com)
Wed, 10 Jan 2001 20:21:16 -0600

Well, here's some hot news for those of the moderate persuasion, whether
they admit it or not ;^)

I found a sauce, Holy City Heat, that's just the ticket for us.  Made with
Charleston Hot Peppers (whatever they are) mixed with vinegar, onions,
pineapple juice concentrate, sweet potatoes, wager, sugar, garlic, sesame
oil, salt, spices and the ever present natural vegetable gum, this stuff is
tasty.  It does not make your eyes cross, cause the inside of your mouth to
peel away, result in loss of breath or thought processes and is good on
anything from eggs to burgers.  It's not sour because in spite of the
vinegar the other sweet things take away the sourness.

Perhaps all other less heat tolerant folk already know about this brew but
it's new to me and can be found at some of the most popular websites.  I
bought it in a mall shop and, of course, paid more for it than I will when I
reorder online.

CH #1146, of the moderate persuasion with sauce on my face