[CH] Carrots, PBS and Korea

Sat, 13 Jan 2001 11:59:45 -0500

>Why is it that so many sauces include shredded carrot as an 
> ingredient?

To mild 'em out, to sweeten and stretch 'em (carrots are a cheaper
ingredient by volume than chiles, I would think), and, I would guess, to
improve the color and texture of certain otherwise funky-looking sauces. 
Needless to say, I rarely buy and never make sauces with carrot in 'em.

BTW, did anybody see the recent PBS culinary and cultural tour of
Korea?  I forget the title, but besides lovely scenery and charming
people, the shots of homemade chile pastes and kimchees
 in the making and the huge, beautiful earthenware pots of 'em fermenting
in absolutely everyone's backyards convinced me I really wanna see the
Land of Morning Calm.

Anybody got any good Korean vegetarian or fish/seafood recipes?  It seems
to be a fairly high-meat cuisine, but I haven't run across an Asian
cuisine yet that didn't have a nonmeat version of
some kind for the stricter Buddhists, and the few Korean veg recipes I've
got are very tasty.

Keep on rockin',

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