[CH] New garden

Mike Pierce (mpierce@martel-intl.com)
Mon, 15 Jan 2001 17:25:45 -0600

Well, we have moved into our new house and I need to put in a new garden. 
When doing a termite inspection for the old house they found the little 
b@%&^$@s in some of the CCA timbers. This caused us to have to fork over a 
bunch of mooola to get shed of em. I was considering putting heavy plastic 
down under the new CCA timbers to discourage the termites. Anybody try 
this. Might also keep them nasty chemicals out of my maters and chiles. 
Whaddya think?

On a completely unrelated note. I'm interested in hearing about Bob Weir's 
sauces. Devoting as much time to listening to the good ole GD as chiles. 
Some times both at the same time!