[CH] Korean seafood (and chilies of course) [2/2]

Jim Weller (Jim.Weller@salata.com)
16 Jan 01 22:16:13 -0800

 >>> Part 2 of 2...

           Oil For Deep-Frying
      2 tb Sesame Oil
  Wash the fish and dry thoroughly.  Beat the egg whites, then blend in
  the salt, ground sesame seeds and chili powder.
  Heat the oil to moderately hot.  Dip the fish into the egg white
  mixture, then drop into the hot oil and deep-fry until golden brown
  and crisp. Lift out with a spoon and drain well on paper towels. (The
  fish can be stored, when cool, in an airtight container.)
  Just before serving, heat the sesame oil in a wide skillet to very
  hot. Add the fish and fry, stirring frequently, until heated through
  and crisp. Serve at once.
  From Asia The Beautiful Cookbook.  Typed by Syd Bigger.

                                                Jim in Yellowknife